January 02, 2009

Basic Photoshop Tutorial using the LMC Alpha Templates

Getting started

Open the .psd file
You will see the basic template

Choose the folders in the drop down menu and select the shape you would like to work on.
cmd+click the layer to select it.
(you can also use the magic wand to select the white area)

Go to 'Select' - 'Save selection as...'
choose 'new' - type in Alpha

NOTE: if you already have an Alpha layer choose that layer and click 'replace channel' 
There can only be ONE Alpha channel per file, or it wont be visible when you later save it as .tga

Click on the 'Channel' tab & click visibility for the Alpha layer
You will now see what will be visible on your avatar. The red part is where the skin will be shown.
NOTE: You can change the transparency of your top by filling the white on the Alpha with a gray shade. White = full visibility, Black = Hidden, 50% gray = sheer

Hide the top template layer in the 'alpha' folder
Add your own textures by creating a new layer or solid colour in the 'texture' Folder
Play around with the opacity of the shading & creases layers

Once you are done, hide the 'Upper guidelines' folder
Go to 'File' - 'save as ...' 
Type in the name and select the directory
Choose .tga as file format

Select '32 bits/pixel

Upload your file into SL and 'wear it' using the appearance mode

Happy Creating!

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